What Reporting or Presentation Techniques Resonate With Stakeholders?

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    Banker Experts

    What Reporting or Presentation Techniques Resonate With Stakeholders?

    To captivate the attention of stakeholders in the finance sector, we've gathered proven report and presentation techniques from top executives, including a CFO who emphasizes the analysis of profit and volume metrics. Alongside these expert insights, we also present additional answers that others have found effective, such as the use of scenario analysis. From leveraging detailed financial analyses to anchoring discussions with a clear value proposition, discover a spectrum of strategies that make an impact.

    • Analyze Profit and Volume Metrics
    • Use Visual Aids and Interactive Tools
    • Provide Jargon-Free Executive Summaries
    • Present with Scenario Analysis
    • Anchor with a Clear Value Proposition

    Analyze Profit and Volume Metrics

    We use a weighted score of profit per order combined with volume per customer. This allows us to focus on customers with higher profit margins and larger volume. By weighting profit against volume, we can determine which of our accounts take up the most time, and compare it to how much volume they give us.

    Paden RameyCFO, Auto Relocation Management

    Use Visual Aids and Interactive Tools

    I always use visual aids such as charts, graphs, and interactive dashboards in my reports to stakeholders. This approach has significantly enhanced the clarity and comprehensibility of our financial reports.

    We frequently incorporate tools like Microsoft Power BI to create dynamic, interactive visual representations of our financial data. This allows stakeholders to engage more deeply with the information, exploring different aspects through interactive elements. For example, stakeholders can filter financial outcomes by different time periods or business units to gain specific insights relevant to their interests.

    This visual and interactive approach has made complex financial data more accessible and easier to understand, facilitating better decision-making. Stakeholders appreciate the transparency, and the ability to visualize trends and patterns quickly, which supports more informed discussions and strategic planning.

    Jared Stern
    Jared SternManaging Member, LawsuitLoans

    Provide Jargon-Free Executive Summaries

    Utilizing succinct, jargon-free executive summaries is pivotal in ensuring that key information is conveyed efficiently. Stakeholders appreciate when complex financial data is distilled into a concise and clear format that highlights the essence of the report. Avoiding industry-specific jargon reduces the risk of misunderstanding, and ensures that all stakeholders, regardless of their expertise, can follow along.

    These summaries serve as a gateway into the report, providing a foundation for further exploration of the material. Make your next report stand out by crafting a compelling executive summary that gets straight to the point.

    Present with Scenario Analysis

    Employing scenario analysis can provide stakeholders with a clearer picture of potential outcomes. This method involves creating and presenting various hypothetical situations to explore how different factors can impact the future. Scenario analysis helps in illustrating the risks and opportunities involved, aiding stakeholders in making more informed decisions. It also enables stakeholders to consider the full spectrum of possibilities, preparing them for various market conditions.

    Introduce scenario analysis in your next investment discussion to paint a comprehensive picture of future potential.

    Anchor with a Clear Value Proposition

    Anchoring discussions with a clear value proposition is essential in capturing and retaining stakeholder interest. It is the articulation of how a particular strategy, investment, or action can create value for the company or investors. A clear value proposition helps to prioritize information and focus the audience on the most important aspects of the presentation. It also aids in connecting the complicated financial data with the overall business strategy.

    Remember to establish a strong value proposition early in your next presentation to maintain focus on the essentials.